weirdos, perverts, complete misfits or worse. The dozens and dozens of letters and Christmas cards that you have sent me attest to this. Nothing makes me hap- pier and more satisfied in the midst of my own troubles past and present than to get a letter from some опе of you thanking me for putting TVia together and in- dicating that my efforts have helped you along that most difficult of roads -the one that leads to Peace of of Mind..
We have accomplished another rather unconsider- ed but significant thing in these four years too. Think back four years! What was available on the new stands dealing with TVism? There was Cauldwell's book on Transvestism and his several pamphlets on the subject. In such publications as Bizarre, Exotique, Fantasia etc. buried among the articles and stories dealing with spanking, humiliation, bondage, fetishism and the like, were occasional bits that dealt with TVism tho usually in relation to one of the foregoing activities. Nutrix had a couple of pamphlets out about impersonators and there were the Gilbert stories. That was about it. But after TVia had been in publication for about a year, it became evident to those who commercialize the off- beat interests and activities of others, that transvestism represented a considerable previously uncultivated aud- ience. If this were not so that little upstart magazine TRANS VESTIA would have folded after the first few issues. So they jumped on the bandwagon. Today the- re are a number of publications on the newstands pand- ering to the lonely yearnings of isolated TVs who, as avidly now as you and I once did, seek information and satisfaction in anything they can find dealing with the subject.
With one exception all of this material is fraud- ulent. I call it that because it does not really deal with TVs such as ourselves. The pictures are posed by professional impersonators who are usually homosexual, the stories that purport to be histories and the letters which are claimed to be written by TVs are obviously manufactured for the purpose. One publisher had the unmitigated gall and unbeatable candor to print on the back of his first issue something to the effect that this was "the greatest collection of transvestic letters ever written." As a compliment to himself he could